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Swim Surveys

The Chemainus River is home to several salmonid species including: Summer-run and Fall-run Chinook Salmon, Chum Salmon, Coho Salmon, Steelhead and Rainbow Trout, and Cutthroat Trout.  The status of these fish populations are largely unknown due to a lack of enumeration efforts.  To remedy this, QARS has worked to strengthen our understanding of Chinook and Chum Salmon within Chemainus River by forming relationships with DFO Stock Assessment to jointly carry out enumeration activities.

DIDSON (Dual Identification Sonar)

In 2016, QARS began a pilot project, in partnership with DFO Stock Assessment, to enumerate Chum Salmon returning to Chemainus River with a DIDSON counter. This marked an important milestone as it was the first time such accurate data had been collected for this fish population. Data from this project will, in time, provide insights into chum salmon population status and trends, and inform conservation efforts and fisheries management. This project has now been in operation for six seasons and will be continuing indefinitely.

In-river Video Camera

With a lack of data concerning the number of Fall-run Chinook Salmon returning to Chemainus River, QARS and DFO installed an in-river video camera in Fall 2019 as a pilot project to determine if the camera could be used to count returning Chinook Salmon.  This project was successful and will be continued in future years.

The Chemainus River is home to several salmonid species including Summer-run and Fall-run Chinook Salmon, Chum Salmon, Coho Salmon, Steelhead and Rainbow Trout, and Cutthroat Trout.  The status of these fish populations is largely unknown due to a lack of enumeration efforts.  To remedy this, QARS has worked to strengthen our understanding of Chinook and Chum Salmon within Chemainus River by forming relationships with DFO Stock Assessment to jointly carry out enumeration activities.

In-river video camera capture of fall-run salmon returning to Chemainus River
Dual Identification Sonar data collection setup to enumerate Chum Salmon returning to Chemainus River
Chemainus River in fall
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